Die Set - .049"/ .057"/ .079" Nest & Indent Equivalent to GMT1005 - Use with EMC3300
- Uninsulated Terminals 10-22 AWG
The EMC-1005D die set is designed for use with the EMC3300 electromechanical crimp tool. This die set features nest and indent cavities size .049", .057", .079". The EMC-1005D die set is designed for uninsulated terminals 22-10 AWG. The EMC-1005D is functionally equivalent to the GMT1005 and comparable to the TE49935.
The AWG for cavities A, B, C are: A. 22-16, B. 16-14, C. 12-10
The DMC gages for cavities A, B, C are: A. G739, B. G740, C. G741
Crimp Applications | Insulated Terminals, Uninsulated Terminals, Splices, Stamped & Formed Contacts |
Crimp Tool Type | Dies |
Dies | DCT/EMC |
Shipping Weight | 0.15 |
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